Monday, May 30, 2011

Drop Cloth & Velvet Cushions

Here are a couple of things I made a week or so ago now.  They are my very first attempt at making stuff myself, so please don't laugh.    I used drop cloth... which I've recently discovered in Blogland.... and the black is fabric from a velvet skirt which I bought for the fabric for a few bucks.  The rosettes I made using a method I found in a video, after seeing lots of these on the net.  I'll look for it and add the link soon.  Lastly, I'm turning a little bit 'old lady'.... or at least that's what my hubby says.  Apparently making 'fabric tissue box holders' isn't up there in the 'turn on' department for him.. Oh well.... I like it for now... and it was fun to make .

 Glen thinks this rosette looks like I stole a hair band from a schoolgirl and plonked it on the pillow.  Oh well... I love it.
 This is another pillow which I gave to my boss, all wrapped up in natural twine, paper and ribbon, for her birthday.  I hope she liked it.  It was a drop cloth cushion with three drop cloth rosettes, and was actually my favourite cushion that I made.
 Yes.... it's a tad daggy.... don't hate.  It's better than looking at an ugly tissue box.

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